being vegan in huntsville, al
Veg Out Huntsville
We endeavor to be your guide to eating out and shopping vegan or plant-based in Huntsville and the Madison County area. Please check out our restaurant list.
Are you a local business looking to bring vegan customers to your business but don't know where to start? Check out our Businessman's Guide to Veganism.
If you have any questions you can't find the answers to here, please reach out to us on social media or email!
Coronavirus Update:
The coronavirus outbreak has caused all us to rethink our daily actions. While I'm not planning on hoarding toilet paper, I am making some changes temporarily to Veg Out Huntsville in the interests of slowing the spread of CORVID-19. That way the local hospitals are not overwhelmed like we are seeing in other areas.
Firstly, I have decided it would be best to cancel my public Earth Hour: Going Plant-Based for a Greener Future event. I will still be offering all the information and handouts about going plant-based in PDF form (and maybe some videos). They will be available online for Earth Hour, so stay tuned for that.
I am also going to be staying out of restaurants for a while. This is a hard decision for me as I really want to support local businesses, but I also share a house with family in the age-range that is in the most danger, and I don't want to bring home anything. I will still be posting information; I just will be unable to update menus or add new restaurants to my website for a few weeks.
Please don't stop shopping at local food businesses; they need the income. Many of them offer curbside pick-up or delivery. You can social distance and shop local! The chain store shelves may be empty, but local chefs and farmers are hurting. In addition to my regular restaurant list, please check out my special buy local list of local farmers, herbal remedy makers, and veg-friendly chefs that you can order from: Social Distance and Shop Local.